

Monday, October 18, 2010

Birdie Profiles!

So I have many birds as pets. Well to be honest I see them as more than pets. I can no longer distinguish what is human and what is animal in my household. Especially when my brother is around!

But all my birds seem to be extraordinarily weird. They take after their owner very well! 8D So I have decided to give a profile on each of my birds! Here is the basic rundown


Species: Galah
Likes: Preening, pats and hugs, being the centre of attention, biting small children, pulling the hairs out of men's arms and faces and generally being a bit of a bitch
Dislikes: Facial hair, bicycles and my best friend Stefi
Favourite Food: Human flesh
Human Equivalent: Demon Paris Hilton
Fun Fact! Peggy broke her wing at a very young age and unfortunately was never able to fly again. This means we often take her outside. One of her favouritist games (yes, favouritist is a word) is "I'm going to climb onto the roof of the house so you get really scared and chase me!"


Species: Cockatiel
Likes: Eating the wall plaster, showering, sitting on my shoulder  none of this is important. This bird is me in bird form! I also enjoy to partake of wall plaster! Om nom nom nom nom!
Fun fact! While chomping at sedgwick one day much the same way as this baboon is chomping...
... Sedgwick decided to stick her head (yes she is a female named Sedgwick) in my mouth mid chomp! Naturally I was so shocked at having a bird's head in my mouth that the message my brain was supposed to send saying "AAAGH STOP CHOMPING!! A SMALL VULNERABLE CREATURE HAS IT'S HEAD IN YOUR MOUTH!!!" never got sent. Sedgwick got bitten! Not too hard though I might add. The bird was fine, and kept on eating the wall plaster as if nothing had happened. It did leave a strange taste in my mouth however...

The Little Budgie:

Species: Budgerigar
Likes: Biting people and pooping in hair
Dislikes: Being denied the opportunity to bite people and crap in their hair
Favourite Food: BLLOOOODDD. And apples.
Human Equivalent: Axe murdering phsycopath
Fun Fact! I have a firm belief that in a past life the little budgie was a psychopathic, tough, gothic biker. This would explain it's apparent blood lust and the noise it makes whenever you go near it that sounds like a miniature motorbike no bigger than your index finger. It would also explain why this bird is so angry all the time! Instead of coming back as something tough like.. a wolf or an eagle, it came back as a female, daisy coloured, runt budgerigar.
And seriously! This is one angry bird! It doesn't play, it attacks its toys as if they owe her a debt they cannot repay.

This post to be continued tomorrow with part two! Featuring George, Dood and Shran! :D yaaay!

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